Abortion, with love

Listening to Abortion Stories, with Dr. Melissa Madera

Camila Ochoa Mendoza Episode 19

On this episode, Melissa Madera talks about her podcast, The Abortion Diary, and her experiences listening to people share their abortion stories. Melissa talks about her role as a story listener, and the importance of holding space for people to open up about their abortion, and honouring all the diversity and complexity in abortion experiences.

Originally from Washington Heights, New York, Melissa (a.k.a. the abortion diarist) is a  queer, first generation Dominican-American, and the Jill of all trades at The Abortion Diary. She is also the Senior Project Manager and Research Fellow for Project SANA (Self-managed Abortion Needs Assessment) at the University of Texas, Austin.

The Abortion Diary Website: https://www.theabortiondiary.com/

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Abortion, with Love
Website: linkt.ree.com/abortionwithlove
Podcast: abortionwithlove.buzzsprout.com
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Email: abortionwithlove@gmail.com